Think on this…It’s has been a wild week for me emotionally. The week began with me finishing the final ministerial assessment. The process has been intense and required a lot from my family and me. This was supposed to be a triumphant moment. I was excitedly anticipating seeing my family who were preparing to see our home for the first time. This week began with lots of potential and hope. Tuesday morning while recovering from that last session I got several calls that would change things significantly.
Both of my siblings were calling me to tell me that my brother-in-law’s son died suddenly, that morning. Sixteen years old and gone, just like that. Of course that changed the trip to Atlanta and the celebratory atmosphere, and rightly so. What it created in me was a major dichotomy of emotions. Joy over finally getting my ministerial license (I have honestly been doing the duties for a years, so this should be a big moment). The other feeling was one of morning and heartache over my family being in such great pain.
If I am honest I don’t know what to feel. In the midst all of the festivities I have tried to simply be present, and the same while talking to my family. There is no formula for this place in which I find myself. There are no quick fixes. This is a great moment in personal and ministry life and a horrible one for my families. It is, what it is. “Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.” 2 Tim. 2:3
Moments like this are to be walked through, not avoided or belittled. Life happens, and ceases to happen, that is the rhythm with which we live…Just a thought.