Think on this…I recently saw a bumper sticker that read, ‘Tree Hugging Dirt Worshiper’. At first it made me chuckle, then it saddened me. Now, I am not a fan of bumper stickers, both Christian and other wise. I simply believe that a car looks better without them. But, every so often I will see one that makes me think. This was one of those. It was in the midst of a bunch of messages, but none of which grabbed my attention like that one.
On the surface, this bumper sticker was of care and concern for the earth. I can wholeheartedly agree with that. Save the whales, decrease your carbon footprint, conserve when possible. I am fully on board with that. My family recycles, and we even try to use eco friendly detergents, because the Bible encourages us to be good managers of this planet. But, I saw a deeper meaning in the message. It was that the environment is the most important thing, and life is all about taking care of the planet. With that thought, I strongly disagree.
You see, saving the planet doesn’t do anything for our inward souls. The environment is not important enough to pour our entire lives into. Preserving this world is valuable and necessary, just not worth our devotion. The Bible says, “And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?” Mark 8:36 We shouldn’t be ‘Tree Hugging Dirt Worshipers’ because the ball of dirt we live on is too small. The solar system, galaxies, and universe are all too insignificant in comparison to the God who created everything. We must choose to live for the One who designed, shaped, and is holding them all together. His name is Jesus…Just a thought.