Think on this…it’s easy to love God but people are a different issue all together. Let’s be honest, people have a tendency to be losers. Before you decide that I have completely walked away from God please read on. I just want to admit the truth here. People tell you that they will do something and let you down. People get mad at you and refuse to forgive. People abuse, miss use, bring harm, etc. Can you agree with me that people have a tendency to let you down? Parents, friends, spouses alike either have or will disappoint. It’s their nature.
I would be okay with that thought if church people were better, but they usually aren’t. I know that they are supposed to be, but they often cheat, lie, complain, and gossip as much as non-church folks. For some reading this blog, this is a confirmation of what you have always believed about church people. Others would jump to defend and cover the flaws of other Christians, and I would do the same, but we must first own up to the problem.
What is my point? It’s that people stink; I thought I said that. :-D Just kidding! Jesus was asked about what he considered the most important law in the entire scripture. This was his answer, “Love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy… and love others as well as you love yourself. There is no other commandment that ranks with these." Mark 12:29-31. You see very few people will say that they have a problem loving God. Some will doubt God’s existence and others will argue over His interaction with man, but most have no issue with thought loving God. To love people is hard. Jesus did not tell us to love good people or Christians only he said love everyone. From the most hypocritical to the worst humans alive, we are to love them. We don’t have to like it, but we are to love them anyway. If we loved people more, maybe they would not have such a hard time deciding to love us in return…Just a thought.