Think on this…Cool and the Gang had a song called “Joanna,” which is cool because it is my mother’s name. I love my mom. I have told parts her story as it relates to my story. Like most parent, my mom has made mistakes. This was compounded by the reality that she pretty much raised herself. My grandparents died when she was very young, so she was lacking examples. While writing portions of my story, I asked her if it was okay to tell the segments that were not the most glowing for her. She surprised me and impressed me all at the same time. Her exact words were, “As long as it’s true, I don’t care”. I love my mom.
Parents so often try to shield their children from their mistakes and struggles. My mom couldn’t hide her flaws because she raised me by herself. Her issues were right out there. So, I learned from her mistakes. In a strange way my life is better because of her mistakes, and I am grateful. I am grateful that she always tried to get back up when knocked down. I’m grateful that she is honest with herself and her faults. I have learned through her candor to be honest with my issues, which has made my speaking and writing much more relatable. My mother is not perfect, but she is still a champion in my eyes. "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.” Take some time this weekend to let your parents know you love them…Just a thought.