Friday, October 16, 2009


Think on this…I like many of you have a lot of dormant talents. That truth is sometimes hard to admit because I don’t fully utilize everything within. Now, before you start judging me, think about those talents you have on the inside of you that you have yet to tap into. I am not talking about the “talent” that your momma said you have, but you are hard pressed to find another who agrees with her. That is the wanna be American Idol type singing ability that makes people want to pull their ears off and eat them, to escape your relentless belting. We call that torture. No, I mean those things that you showed great proficiency for, but for whatever reason stopped.

Photography is one such gift, in which I have great ability, but life has pushed it to the back burner. I have always had a way of setting up an image whether video or still photography that was compelling. The challenge is working that gift. I recently find myself being oddly drawn toward things that I have allowed to almost die. Lately, I have been thinking about all the other talents I have that have not been touched in years. There is more, like percussion, sewing (shut up, I know not the most masculine thing), and I am actually working on my writing J.

The reality is God has placed gifts in all of us. There are things that you can do that no one else can. You are the only one who has the talent mix you have coupled with the experiences you have had. You are special, and you have amazing abilities. I know that you may not be able to focus on everything at once, but I want to challenge you to take a step over the course of the next week to utilize at least one of your hidden gifts, because you are gifted. I would love for you to share with me the talents you are going to unearth, this week. “We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.” Romans 12:6a…Just a thought.

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