Think on this…it seems like the theme of my life for the past 10+ has been patience. Patience is one of those character traits that we all wish to have, but like many things it doesn’t come easy. I think about the dreams that haven’t happened yet, patience. There are areas of my life in which I thought I would be so much farther than where I am and again, patience. How is this elusive value learned? It’s developed while hanging on to hope as you wait.
When I decided to step out onto the waters and pursue a life of full time service to God and people I thought things would move faster then they have. In my mind I was walking into the great future and everything I desired would be on the other side of my obedience. No, that did not happen. I was diligent to finish my book and to send books to key relationships that I have nurtured. Now, all I can do is wait. Wait for what, you ask? Wait for people to read the book. Wait for those who have read it to book to tell others about it. Wait for people to ask me to come and speak on the matter. Waiting.
I realize one key thing. I am one connection, one endorsement, one mention away from everything I have worked so hard to accomplish with this book to gain momentum. The thing is, I am not on some ego trip, it’s all about accomplishing what I believe God has for me. Even when doing what God has for us there is often a time of challenge and struggle. Jesus had his time in the wilderness; David had to tend his father sheep, Moses lived in exile. This is my time to develop the patience I need to fulfill God’s desired purpose within me. The Bible says, “I pray to God—my life a prayer—and wait for what he'll say and do. My life's on the line before God, my Lord“ Psalm 130:5-6 What are you waiting on God to do in your life? It’s a hard lesson, but a good one…Just a thought
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