Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Come on In

Think on this…my wife and I enjoy having people over to the house. It’s actually a pleasure to host people and to serve them. I usually cook a lot of food and she labors for hours to get the house ready for our guest. It takes us maybe 6-9 hours of preparation for about 3-4 hours of connection time. It may seem like a waste, but for us it is an act of service that brings blessings to our home.

For the holiday we fed what seemed like the world. There were two soon to be married couples at the house and a college student. Then we had an older couple and their mother as well. There were even more people invited, but they could not make it. The conversation jumped from such trivial issues as the love or hate for thrift stores to weighty issues as breast cancer. The group was so diverse that we all learned from each other.

You see it’s enriching to our lives when we serve others. The Bible says, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” Galatians 6:7 You see we feed and welcome people, because we love them. Then in response God makes sure that we are taken care of. We don’t do it to receive, but its good to know that as we give out of our desire to love on people we have watched his provision in our lives. It’s a blessing to be able to bless others…Just a thought.

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