Friday, October 23, 2009

Sweet Cookies

Think on this…David Jones was our town bum (actually a sweet old man with a drinking problem). We as children came up with little songs about him, the way he smelled, and his tattered clothes from sleeping on the street. Kids are just cruel. One day I was walking along eating my sandwich and David Jones asked me for my sandwich. I don’t know what I was eating, but it was good! I was just a kid, and he had the nerve to ask me for my sandwich. I will never forget his words, “Please, I’m hungry”. By the look in his eyes I knew he needed that boost even if it was from a child. So, I gave him my sandwich.

Juxtapose to that in college while on a run to a grocery store we saw a homeless man asking for food. His words reminded me of David Jones. “Please, give me something, I’m hungry, it’s for God”. He threw the “God” phrase in there so we had to help him. One young lady gave him a sleeve of cracker. (Now, we were poor college students and a sleeve of crackers was essential to our survival.) He looked at what was given, stuck his head in our vehicle and said, “Crackers? You ain’t got no sweet cookies or nothing”. We were all at once outraged and tickled.

Both of these situations point to one clear fact. People are in need. There are increasing numbers of people who used to donate to food banks that are now looking to the very same charities for help themselves. We who are employed must not turn a blinded eye to the needs of others. For the bible says, “ Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it! Hebrews 13:2 I doubt very seriously that David Jones or the Sweet Cookie man were angels, but you never know…Just a thought.

1 comment:

  1. I'm always willing to give what I have..until someone is rude and unappreciative. That's when the charity stops for that individual.

    Anyway, I'm thinkin' about doing a short doc on the homeless in Atlanta so holla at me man.

